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The Kalam Reading of a Sūrah in al-Rāzī’s Tafsīr: A Medium for Discovering the Sūrah Structure
Dr. Shaykh Ahmad Arafat
Sunday October 30th, 2022 | 12:15 PM CST
No registration required – live on YouTube (see stream below)
Al-Rāzī approaches the literary structure of a sūrah as a text that exhibits three major features: (1) the sūrah is a dialectical text, (2) the interpretation of the sūrah’s content requires a theologian-exegete, and (3) the surah employs intentional taṣrīf (diversification of themes) as a literary device. Approaching the sūrah as overwhelmingly dialectical, al-Rāzī heavily relies on his theological training and expertise in debate and disputation to decipher the sūrah design and its overall argument.