The Kalam Reading of a Sūrah in al-Rāzī’s Tafsīr: A Medium for Discovering the Sūrah Structure (10/30)

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The Kalam Reading of a Sūrah in al-Rāzī’s Tafsīr: A Medium for Discovering the Sūrah Structure

Dr. Shaykh Ahmad Arafat 

Sunday October 30th, 2022 | 12:15 PM CST

No registration required – live on YouTube (see stream below)


Al-Rāzī approaches the literary structure of a sūrah as a text that exhibits three major features: (1) the sūrah is a dialectical text, (2) the interpretation of the sūrah’s content requires a theologian-exegete, and (3) the surah employs intentional taṣrīf (diversification of themes) as a literary device. Approaching the sūrah as overwhelmingly dialectical, al-Rāzī heavily relies on his theological training and expertise in debate and disputation to decipher the sūrah design and its overall argument.


Dr. Arafat graduated as valedictorian of his class from al-Azhar University in Cairo. In 2014, he received his master’s degree from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. Last August, he received his PhD from the the Divinity School of the University of Chicago.

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