Sūrah al-Hujurāt (49) Session 4


You don’t want Allah ﷻ to judge you, so take care of your issues here so that Allah ﷻ does not have to judge.

When it (ridiculing others) becomes a lifestyle then you have no reason to respect anyone. Then what happens is your kids will give you nicknames.

If you find a fault or mistake in someone for no reason, then Allah ﷻ will make sure you commit the same mistake before you die. What goes around, comes around.

Unity does not happen if the micro-values are not adhered to. For example, the disease of suspicion.

Muslims have a higher standard of behavior as an ummah than non-Muslims.

True freedom gives you security.

In this lecture:

  • the evil of ridiculing people
  • accommodating those you don’t agree with and collaborating for a greater good
  • the root evil of suspicion
  • the fabric of unity and neglecting micro-values such as having a good opinion of others
  • a higher standard for Muslims
  • aman (security) and the nafs al-ammārah
  • the story of Umar (R)

Indeed believers are brothers and with every family, disputes will be inevitable. But al-Qurʾān says if we happen to fight to reconcile as brothers, then Allah ﷻ  may show us raḥmah (Divine Mercy) ̇. But, this ability to reconcile will require taqwā (reverence).
We must appreciate and not mock each other’s cultures. Shouldn’t have pride in your culture over another’s as this may create animosity. Otherwise, we tear apart the fabric of the unity of the ʾummah (the community of Muslims).
Don’t peck at other people’s faults. Realize that other people have eyes and may see your faults, too. Don’t maliciously look to bring people down and humiliate them with names they don’t like, instead of honoring them.
If you find faults and mistakes in people for no reason, Allah ﷻ will punish you by making you commit that same mistake before they die. What goes around, comes around.

We need to create a good environment for Muslim unity. This entails having a good opinion of each other and the ummah, upon the first impulse. the Prophet ﷺ  said, “Think positive of other people.” But, others’ behaviors should be conducive to thinking good of them, as well.

“Remove enmity, hatred, and malice from the community, you’ll have a united community.” (Shaykh Amin Kholwadia).

“Unity in the ummah will not come unless the hearts are united. Hearts will not be united if they’re always thinking bad of other people, always suspicious, skeptical, and pessimist.” (Shaykh Amin Kholwadia).

an (Speculation) can lead to suspicion, which is sinful. So, Allah ﷻ asked that we stay away from speculation and have a naturally positive disposition of people. This has much to do with our mental states where our nafs (psyche or ego) need reform. Suspicion can lead to spying to find faults with others.
“If a Muslim goes into a pub, you can’t assume he’s going there to drink. The mind must be pure.” (Shaykh Amin Kholwadia).