From the Desk of Shaykh Amin Kholwadia
Al–Salam ‘alaykum.
Through the immeasurable Fadl of Allah, duas of our teachers and the dedicated efforts of the Darul Qasim application team, the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) has awarded Darul Qasim a license to operate as a college. This represents our efforts towards making Islamic knowledge a contributor in the mainstream American academic narrative. We appreciate that this could not have happened without the unflinching support of our board, our staff, our students, our patrons and all those who unselfishly support us. We ask you make dua for the success of our humble efforts in both worlds and to continue your support for Darul Qasim. Our designation will now be:
In the quest for more knowledge
Yours in Islam,
Mohammed Amin Kholwadia
July 21, 2022