Islamicate and Decoloniality

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Critical Muslim Studies: Islamicate and Decoloniality

Dr. Salman Sayyid | University of Leeds

Saturday November 7th, 2020 | 12:00 PM CST


Islam is often depicted as being in a state of crisis. It is blamed for being the cause of  “backwardness”  and violence.  At the same time many Muslims are targets of great violence and systematic denigration. Critical Muslim Studies is way of making sense of these contrasting visions of Islam, and understanding its place in today’s world.


Dr. Sayyid holds a Chair in Rhetoric and Decolonial Thought at the University of Leeds. He has pioneered the study of Critical Muslim Studies, through his publications, being the founding editor of the academic journal (ReOrient) and production of Network ReOrient podcasts. His publications include the oft-cited A Fundamental Fear: Eurocentrism and the Emergence of Islamism (1997) and Recalling the Caliphate (2014) which has been translated into a half dozen languages.

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